Safety of personal data at Career Factory
Career Factory respects your privacy when you use our website and/or are registered with us. We make sure all your personal information is treated confidentially at all times. Of course we comply with the applicable privacy law. Why does Career Factory need a number of your data?

  • To be able to inform you on a suitable job.
  • To be able to register your response to a vacancy.
  • To be able to keep you informed on the status of your application.
  • To keep you informed with relevant news and information about our organisation.

Your address data will not be passed on to third parties, but are only used for services that you specifically requested, for instance if you respond to a vacancy through our website or register for our newsletter.


Privacy statement
In our privacy statement you can read general information about how we handle your personal data and also the data of the Data Protection Officer.


On this website we use cookies. If you wish to know more about this, click here.


Although we make all possible effort to ensure that our service proceeds flawlessly, it may happen that you are not completely satisfied. In that case, please let us know, so we can see if we can put something right or improve what can be improved.


What can you do in case of a complaint?
The first step in case of a complaint or problem is to discuss it with your own contact person at Career Factory. Usually, a solution can be found by mutual agreement. Maybe you have already tried this or your complaint is specifically about your contact person. In that case, you can contact the location manager or the location concerned through this page, which will be monitored by the Data Protection Officer of Staffing Associates, Career Factory’s parent company. You can file your complaint using this form.


Personal data
It is also possible to inspect your personal data, in some cases have it removed or transferred. For this, you can file a claim by completing this form . In it, you can indicate what your claim is about and must add your address details and/or contact details. Before we can follow up on your request, the Data Protection Officer (or his replacement) will ascertain your identity.


Data leak
If you suspect a data leak, we kindly request you to report this immediately, using this form.